Mandarin occidental Mandarin, orange

The "Mandarin Occidental" cocktail from the Hardy Cognac House is a taste journey to the Orient. The combination of Hardy cognac, Napoleon mandarin juice and Angostura creates an exotic and deliciously refreshing balance. Serve with a slice of flambéed orange.

The ingredients

  • 45 ml Cognac Hardy
  • 10 ml Mandarin Napoléon
  • 1 dash Angostura
  • Flambé an orange zest
  • Orange zest for decoration

The recipe

Put ice cubes in a glass. Add the Madarine Napoleon, the dash of Angostura and the Cognac Legend Hardy 1863 in a shaker with ice and shake. Remove the ice cubes and pour into a glass. Flambé an orange zest on top of the cocktail. Garnish with an orange zest.